Sunday, January 13, 2013

Report MSL 2013: Negeri Sembilan FA vs Terengganu FA

Negeri Sembilan's first home match at Stadium Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Paroi against Terengganu finished at 0-0. I predicted a win for Negeri Sembilan because of the possession we have in the match against Selangor before but the strikers were yet again disappointing to watch. 

De Porras as a lone striker in the 4-2-3-1 formation seems lost his confidence and not making any impact towards the team performance. He needs a striking partner upfront to help him. He was substituted in the middle of the second half by Firdaus Azizul and he was disappointing too. 

Nazrin Nawi, Eddy Helmi and Shahurain Abu Samah were the attacking trio behind De Porras. They were doing a good job but nothing extraordinary. Shahurain tried few tricks with his trademark run but nothing came from it apart from few free kicks.

Sivanesan and Norismaidham were Divaldo Alves' choices to hold the midfield line for the team. Sivanesan was doing good job, same as he did in the Selangor's match. Norismaidham, who replaced Rashid Mahmud was good in the first half. In the second half, after his passing were finding Terengganu's players, he was substituted with Aliff Shamsuddin coming in. Aliff Shamsuddin was good in his defensive role.

The standard back four of Qayyum, Azmeer, Modibo and Fauzi Nan were constantly attacked by Terengganu's attacking line lead by Effa Owona in the second half. Only the experience of Hamsani Ahmad between the goal posts made their efforts fruitless. Modibo was injured through the middle of second half and substituted by Abdul Ghani Rahman. He did okay compared to Modibo as he was not a match for Effa Owona physical.

Overall, these are the stars that I will give to the players for their performance:-

Man of The Match: Hamsani Ahmad.
Need to Buck-up: Firdaus Azizul, Norismaidham and De Porras.
Overall: Good first half. There are times where Terengganu can't attack due to Negeri Sembilan's possession. Second half, Hamsani single handedly saved Negeri Sembilan from conceding. 0-0 is not fair result to Terengganu.

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